"I would be (slightly) less concerned about the nativist component of these moves if there was a commensurate Germany-bashing campaign. After all, Germany is running a substantial trade surplus, and by way of supporting an essentially contractionary eurozone wide fiscal policy, is weakening the euro. It might be that there are too many steps for some observers to make. Or it might be something else; I leave others to speculate."
Ok I will speculate.
Racism is certaintly a component of the human condition, but I think it matters with whom you run a trade deficit. The US runs their's with China-not Germany.
I think Germany is not that popular in certain Euro zone peripherry countries right now - countries with whom Germany has run large surpluses. :)
Anyways, as I have said many times on these pages, increasing trade restricitions seems to be an inevitable stop on this global crisis train.