Calgary Herald
Another bright spot has been the results of new fluids Crescent Point has been using to help extract oil from the Viewfield Bakken formation in southeastern Saskatchewan. In tests last year, the fluids improved initial 90-day oil production rates by about 50 per cent.Saxberg did not divulge details about the fluids because they are "proprietary." "Early results are pretty impressive," he said. "It's pretty exciting stuff in this environment and I think the low-cost environment allows us to do this experimentation and we probably put $50 million of our budget across all of our fields toward that technology." Only a matter of time before this diffuses to rest of industry. Udacity
https://www.udacity.com/courses/web-development http://www.charlierose.com/watch/60666797 Machine Learning and other resources (Thanks Murray): Stanford https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning The course is taking into consideration that a lot of the students have very little background in math and statistics, so some of the material will seem too easy for you. With that said, the value is in seeing how to develop the mechanisms to proceed from a conceptual understanding of a least-squares regression (for the beginner example) and produce your beta coefficients that STATA or R would be giving you...Or, how do you actually tell a computer to minimize your MSE, etc. Once you access the material you'll see that you can move ahead as fast as you want, so it is self paced. I think you'll find a lot of the content super interesting and I think you'll quickly see ways of how to put the material into practice for yourself. Here is an overview of the curriculum: Course WEEK 1 Introduction Linear Regression with One Variable Linear Algebra Review WEEK 2 Linear Regression with Multiple Variables Octave Tutorial WEEK 3 Logistic Regression Regularization WEEK 4 Neural Networks: Representation WEEK 5 Neural Networks: Learning WEEK 6 Advice for Applying Machine Learning Machine Learning System Design WEEK 7 Support Vector Machines WEEK 8 Unsupervised Learning Dimensionality Reduction WEEK 9 Anomaly Detection Recommender Systems WEEK 10 Large Scale Machine Learning WEEK 11 Application Example: Photo OCR I've been humm'ing and haa'ing about Udacity since I stumbled across it a few weeks ago. I will probably do the Machine Learning Udacity courses because it combines high-level thinking, programming, and [math and statistics] education. For the forseeable future, I think there will be a higher demand for guys (and girls) who can cover those bases. I mean, I've done a lot of reading and came across a group of guys at mlwave.com who can seemingly solve a wide array of problems from predictingwhich Grandmaster played x chess-game to a fascinating (but incomplete) tutorial on using timeseries analysis to predict neuronal firing patterns in a zebrafish embryo. Tell your students this is why they should pay attention in Econometrics!! Here is a list of the better resources/things I've found: Stanford Machine Learning - In the community this is considered your square-one for Machine Learning. Udacity's Nanodegree - For redundancy: can't leave this out for obvious reasons. Codecademy.com - This is the site I used to get a feel for the syntax of Python University of Washington - Machine Learning Specialization - I am in a couple of courses from this specialization. Apparently they have a pretty good reputation and are respected. I am trying to get away from UofW because I personally don't like the way their assignments are setue because they use certain code libraries that you have to pay for once you're done the course. I don't see it as valuable in the long run to use things that aren't open-source. *Kaggle.com - Popular website for budding data scientists, programmers, math-heads, etc., to try their hand at competitions to solve some cutting-edge data problems. I'm currently using Kaggle tutorials to teach myself. Data Science iPython Notebooks - Amazing resource for code examples and tutorials on some data science and Machine Learning stuff including Kaggle and Tensorflow materials. Tensorflow.org - In late 2015, Google open-sourced their Machine Learning and AI library. A lot of the better Kaggle tutorials seem to be using them now and their capabilities are pretty mind-blowing. A Tour of Machine Learning Algorithms - Good Summary of different Machine Learning Algorithms. Livecoding.tv - A website with streaming and archived programmers doing their thing. Haven't watched many but I think I should. P.S. Can't send an Email like this without a plug for Watson. The way to have good ideas is to get close to killing yourself. It’s like weightlifting. When you lift slightly more than you can handle, you get stronger.
In life, when the gun is to your head, you either figure it out, or you die. When you cut yourself open, you bleed ideas. If you’re broke and close to death, you have to start coming up with ideas. If you destroy your life, you need to come up with ideas to rebuild it. The only time I’ve been FORCED to have good ideas is when I was up against the wall. My life insurance policy was like a gun to my head: “Come up with good ideas… OR ELSE your kids get your life insurance!” At an airport when I realized a business I had been working on for four years was worthless. Or when I was sitting in the dark at three in the morning in the living room of the house I was going bankrupt and losing my home, my brain figuring out how to die without anyone knowing it was planned. Or when I was getting a divorce and I was lonely and afraid I wouldn’t make any money again or I wouldn’t meet anyone again. Or my kids would hate me. Or my friends would be disgusted by me. The problem is this: you’re NOT in a state of panic most of the time. States of panic are special and have to be revered. Think about the times in your life that you remember – it’s exactly those moments when you hit bottom and were forced to come up with ideas, to get stronger, to connect with some inner force inside you with the outer force. This is why it’s important NOW to strengthen that connection to that idea force inside of you. This post is about HOW. Nothing you ever thought of before amounted to anything – that’s why you are exactly where you are at that moment of hitting bottom. Because all of your billions of thoughts have led you to right there. You can’t trust the old style of thinking anymore. They came, they saw, they lost. You have to come up with a new way of thinking. A new way of having ideas. A new ways of interacting with the outside universe. You’re in crisis. Time to change. Time to become an IDEA MACHINE. Quartz
Keep your body activeCongratulate yourself for small winsStretch your brain musclesSit uprightSleep with your phone away from your head |
November 2017