In life, when the gun is to your head, you either figure it out, or you die.
When you cut yourself open, you bleed ideas. If you’re broke and close to death, you have to start coming up with ideas.
If you destroy your life, you need to come up with ideas to rebuild it.
The only time I’ve been FORCED to have good ideas is when I was up against the wall. My life insurance policy was like a gun to my head: “Come up with good ideas… OR ELSE your kids get your life insurance!”
At an airport when I realized a business I had been working on for four years was worthless.
Or when I was sitting in the dark at three in the morning in the living room of the house I was going bankrupt and losing my home, my brain figuring out how to die without anyone knowing it was planned.
Or when I was getting a divorce and I was lonely and afraid I wouldn’t make any money again or I wouldn’t meet anyone again. Or my kids would hate me. Or my friends would be disgusted by me.
The problem is this: you’re NOT in a state of panic most of the time. States of panic are special and have to be revered. Think about the times in your life that you remember – it’s exactly those moments when you hit bottom and were forced to come up with ideas, to get stronger, to connect with some inner force inside you with the outer force.
This is why it’s important NOW to strengthen that connection to that idea force inside of you. This post is about HOW.
Nothing you ever thought of before amounted to anything – that’s why you are exactly where you are at that moment of hitting bottom. Because all of your billions of thoughts have led you to right there. You can’t trust the old style of thinking anymore. They came, they saw, they lost.
You have to come up with a new way of thinking. A new way of having ideas. A new ways of interacting with the outside universe.
You’re in crisis. Time to change. Time to become an IDEA MACHINE.