I went for a walk in the forest after the show and couldn't stop thinking about it. This type of show would never have played in the 1980s. Art is a mirror of our time. AMC did an after show with the show's creator Vince Gillian and her Modern Family mom Julie Bowen. She said she is still cheering for Walter White and the show is a search for significance. I think that nails it on the head. Walter White is the blue collar disenfranchised 50 year old. When he is diagnosed with cancer his rich friends offer to bail him out but he opts instead for a life of crime.
F**k the police! F**k the corporate establishment! F**k my uptight wife and friends. Walter is a man for our time.
When is DEA brother in-law confronts him at the end of tonight's episode, he looks Walter in the eye and tells him he doesn't even know him..
Walter replies, ".... then maybe your best course would be to tread lightly."
This is a message that all elites should hear in this world of increasing inequality and marginalization.
Get enough Walter Whites together and the whole country will Break Bad.